A daily foray into the wondrous world of Cincinnati's alleys

The following alleys were part of a photo project called Autumnal Dilly D’alley, begun in September 2012. The project was designed to increase awareness of various alleyways in Cincinnati. Somewhat similar to Stepping Up in April, an daily stairway cleanup project in April 2012, Autumnal Dilly D’alley sets out to give virtual followers a tour of the city’s hidden paths, while suggesting viable enhancements to make them more appealing and inspiring. Local press only covers criminal activity in alleys. The corridors are often associated with dark, seedy, dangerous places. Spring in Our Steps takes you there, so you don’t have to. But we’d love you to explore, sometimes after you discover the wonder in our updates!

  1. Schorr Alley, Clifton Heights
  2. Pope Alley, Northside
  3. Coral Alley, Over-the-Rhine

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